Crow (bakasana)
- At April 07, 2020
- By Daniel
- In Asana, Yoga Benefits
Crow, also known as Crane, pose is a popular balance pose. While it appears to be a simple pose it is challenging for most yoga practitioners. Crow pose requires concentration and focus more than strength. It is a matter of balance like balancing a spoon or fork on the tip of your finger. If you have wrist, arm, or shoulder pain or injury you should not do Crow pose. Like all hatha yoga asanas, always listen to you body to prevent injuries.
English Name: Crow (also known as Crane)
Sanskrit Name: Bakasana
Difficulty Level: 5
Start Position: Garland I
Step 1.
Walk you hands in from of your feet and rise up on tiptoes.
Step 2.
Press your knees into your upper arms and lean forward to balance on your hands.
Step 3.
Straighten your arms.
Step 4.
Hold the pose for 4 or 5 breaths or as long as it feels comfortable.
Physical Benefits:
- Improves balance
- Opens up hips and back
- Strengthens abdominal muscles
- Strengthens arms and wrists
- Improves digestion
- Stretches the wrists
Mental Benefits
- Improves concentration
- Increases focus
- Wrist or shoulder injury
- Carpel tunnel syndrome
- Pregnancy
Sonoran Desert Spring
- At April 06, 2020
- By Daniel
- In New Video
Sonoran Desert Spring is a 9 minute video set to music of a variety of plants and animals of the Sonoran Desert including hummingbirds and Saguaro cactus. In these stressful times, everyone needs a break to unwind and reflect.
COVID-19 Facts & Myths
- At April 04, 2020
- By Daniel
- In Health & Wellness
It did not take long for email and social media to distribute misleading and false information about the coronavirus responsible for COVID-19.
This video shares what is COVID-19 and looks at some of the myths making the social media and email circuit:
• What is a virus?
• What is coronavirus?
• What is COVID-19?
• Why is COVID-19 serious.
• Preventing infection.
• COVID-19 facts and myths.