Take Back Control Of Your Diet
- At November 26, 2023
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
If your diet is controlled by corporations (prepared foods, restaurant foods) you probably carry a few extra pounds and either have or will have one or more serious diet related chronic diseases.
Reducing the number of prepared foods can reduce the number of calories and amount of sodium in your diet. One leads to weight gain, the other to hypertension. Your diet will also have less chemical additives and more natural ingredients.
In this video:
• Why take back control of your diet? 00:41
• There is no Standard American Diet (SAD). 4:19
• Food quality marketing hype. 6:04
• The Monotonous American Diet (MAD). 7:18
• Who controls your diet? 9:47
Clinically Proven Fad Diet Myths
- At November 20, 2023
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
Why diet plans claiming to be clinically proven to reduce weight, improve health, slow aging, and eliminate chronic diseases usually do not deliver what they claim. And, diet plans with proven health benefits.
In this video:
• Types of clinical trials. 00:35
• Corporate funded clinical trials. 3:55
• Diets with proven health benefits. 5:41
Protein Versus Amino Acids
- At November 12, 2023
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
The human body uses amino acids in protein not dietary protein to make over 20,000 unique proteins.
In this video:
• What is protein? 00:44
• Protein and amino acids. 1:30
• How much protein do you need? 2:53
• Health risks of too much protein. 5:56
• Animal versus plant protein. 7:39
• Food, supplements, & essential amino acids. 8:39
High And Low FODMAP Foods
- At November 06, 2023
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
FODMAPs (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols) are undigested sugars (carbohydrates) that can cause bloating, gas, nausea, and gut pain. FODMAPS are prebiotics that feed gut bacteria. They are in grains, fruits, nuts, seeds, dairy, legumes, and vegetables. Gastrointestinal discomfort some associate with antinutrients can be due to FODMAPS.
A guide to over 100 high and low FODMAP foods including amounts in imperial and metric units for foods that can be eaten in moderation.
In this video:
• Definition of high and low FODMAP. 00:37
• Low FODMAP is not low carb. 2:16
• High FODMAP Foods. 4:07
• Low FODMAP Foods. 8:16
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