Best Essential Dietary Nutrient Foods Part VI – Water
- At August 28, 2021
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Health & Wellness, New Video
Many people neglect or ignore the need to be hydrated throughout the day.
Water is essential for good health and hydration. A healthy person can go weeks or months without food, but can only survive a few days without water. Becoming dehydrated in a hot, arid climate can result in heat exhaustion or heat stroke in only a few hours. Untreated, heat stroke can cause death.
The video shares why water is an ignored essential nutrient and that food is a major source of dietary water.
Best Essential Dietary Nutrient Foods Part V – Minerals
- At August 22, 2021
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Health & Wellness, New Video
How most healthy people can obtain all essential minerals from their diet without taking dietary supplements. This video shares which foods are the best sources of essential minerals, essential macro and trace minerals, their functions, USRDA and sample high mineral foods.
In this video:
• Why are minerals essential? 00:38
• Which minerals are essential? 1:00
• Food vs. dietary supplement minerals. 1:38
• Mineral RDA and best food sources. 2:58
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Best Essential Dietary Nutrient Foods Part IV – Vitamins
- At August 14, 2021
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Health & Wellness, New Video
This video shares why vitamins are essential, the USRDA for essential vitamins and best food sources. Most healthy adults cam obtain all essential vitamins eating a balanced diet of carbohydrates, fats and protein.
In this video:
• Why are vitamins essential? 00:43
• Why you need vitamins. 1:13
• Fat vs water soluble vitamins. 1:52
• Food vs. dietary supplement vitamins. 3:15
• Vitamin RDA and best food sources. 4:53
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Best Essential Dietary Nutrient Foods Part III – Carbohydrates
- At August 10, 2021
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Health & Wellness, New Video
Why carbohydrates from plant foods are essential. Plant foods are a natural source of fiber and 100s of micronutrients like polyphenols.
In this video:
• What are carbohydrates? 00:43
• Why carbs are essential. 2:12
• Good carbs, bad carbs. 3:30
• How many carbs do you need? 5:48
• Fiber, vitamins, minerals & phytochemicals. 12:03
• Carbs, food allergies and anti-nutrients. 14:49
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Coffee Dehydration Myth
- At August 08, 2021
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Health & Wellness
Some people including doctors claim drinking coffee causes dehydration. Coffee is the third most popular beverage in the world behind water and tea.
Caffeine in coffee and to a lesser extant tea can increase urination. Increased urination without replenish lost fluids can cause dehydration. But, with millions of coffee drinkers and tens of thousands of coffee shops around the world there have been no reported incidence of coffee drinkers being hospitalized with coffee induced dehydration.
In This video:
• What is dehydration? 00:34
• Your brain and fluid levels. 1:49
• Does caffeine cause dehydration? 2:50
Best Essential Dietary Nutrient Foods Part II – Protein
- At August 06, 2021
- By Daniel
- In Cooking Tips, Diet, Health & Wellness
Protein is an essential nutrient. The human body does not use protein directly, it uses nine essential amino acids in protein to produce proteins like muscle cells and hemoglobin.
Many prepared foods emphasize their protein content and protein supplements including powders, bars and beverages may provide more protein them most people need.
In this video:
• Protein, energy, and muscles. 00:42
• Protein and amino acids. 2:53
• How much protein do you need? 4:37
This is the second video in a six part series about essential nutrients.
Best Essential Dietary Nutrient Foods Part I – Fats
- At August 04, 2021
- By Daniel
- In Cooking Tips, Diet, Health & Wellness
Dietary fat is an essential nutrient. This video shares why dietary fat is essential and risks associated with eating diets high in fat especially saturated fat from meat, dairy, butter, and coconut oil.
This video is part I of a six part video serious about obtaining essential nutrients from natural, low calorie foods.
Full Boat Pose
- At August 03, 2021
- By Daniel
- In Asana, Health & Wellness, Yoga Benefits
Full Boat Pose is a continuation of Half Boat Pose. Some people find that can do Half Boat but not Full Boat. The secret is staying focused on the pose after finding your center of balance. Both Boat Poses are seated balance poses. And maintaining your balance throughout life can prevent falls and serious injury. Boat Pose also builds core, arm, and leg strength.
English Name: Full Boat Pose
Sanskrit Name: Paripurna Navasana
Difficulty Level: 5
Start Position: Half Boat
Step 1.
From half boat pose, straighten your legs while maintaining a straight, extended spine.
Step 2.
Lengthen and energize your fingers beyond your knees.
Step 3.
Hold the pose for 4 or 5 breathes, or as long as it feels comfortable.
Step 4.
Slowly lower your legs to the floor coming into staff pose. Repeat if desired.
Physical Benefits:
- Lengthens neck, spine, arms and legs
- Strengthens core muscles
- Opens up the chest, shoulders, and throat
- Improves balance
- Improves digestion and circulation
- Improves posture
- Strengthens legs, hips, groin, arms and abdomen
Mental Benefits
- Improves focus
- Calms the mind
- Improves concentration
- Pregnancy
- Low blood pressure
- Neck, low back, shoulder and hip pain
- Leg and ankle pain or injury
Added Sodium Versus Natural Sodium
- At August 01, 2021
- By Daniel
- In Cooking Tips, Diet, Health & Wellness
Sodium is an essential mineral found in most foods. The most common source of sodium is salt. Diets high in prepared foods including restaurant foods provide too much added sodium. High sodium diets can increase the risk of high blood pressure in people who are sodium sensitive or have kidney disease.
In this video:
• What is sodium?
• Added versus natural sodium.
• RDA for added sodium.
• High natural sodium foods.
• Low natural sodium foods.
• High added sodium foods.