Refined Flour & Sugar Facts & Myths
- At November 24, 2021
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Health & Wellness, New Video
- 0
Should you ban refined flour and sugar from your diet or limit the number of foods made with refined sugar and grains? Many fad diets blame refined carbs as the root cause of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other serious chronic disease. Americans are affected more by refined carbs than peoples in other countries. This video shares some of the health risks associated with diets high in prepared refined carb foods.
In this video:
• What is refined flour and sugar?
• Health risks of refined flour.
• Health risks of refined sugar.
• Refined versus whole grain flour.
• Refined versus natural sugars.
• To ban or not to ban…?
10 High Vitamin B9 (Folate) Foods
- At November 20, 2021
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Health & Wellness, New Video
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This video shares what is vitamin B9 (folate), its functions, RDA, and 10 foods high in vitamin B9.
In this video:
• What is vitamin B9? 00:47
• B9 functions. 1:16
• B9 deficiency. 1:47
• B9 RDA 2:34
• 10 High vitamin B9 foods (spinach, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, Romaine lettuce, Avocado, broccoli, mustard greens, kidney beans, oranges, peanuts). 4:34
This video is the seventh in a seven part series about essential B vitamins.
10 High Vitamin B7 (Biotin) Foods
- At November 16, 2021
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Health & Wellness, New Video
- 0
This video shares what is vitamin B7 (biotin), its functions, and 10 high foods high in B7.
In this video:
• What is vitamin B7? 00:45
• B7 functions. 1:09
• B7 deficiency. 1:24
• B7 RDA 2:42
• 10 High vitamin B7 foods (beef liver, eggs, pork, beef, sunflower seeds, sweet potato, almonds, tuna, spinach). 3:52
NOTE: This video is the sixth in a seven part series about essential B vitamins.
10 High Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) Foods
- At November 14, 2021
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Health & Wellness, New Video
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This video shares what is vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), its functions, and 10 high B6 foods.
In this video:
• What is vitamin B6? 00:42
• B6 functions. 00:59
• B6 deficiency. 1:26
• B6 RDA 2:03
• B6 High vitamin B1 foods (beef liver, tuna, salmon, chickpeas, chicken, potato, banana, turkey, beef, winter squash). 2:33
10 High Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) Foods
- At November 08, 2021
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Health & Wellness, New Video
- 0
This video shares what is vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), its functions, and 10 high B5 foods.
In this video:
• What is vitamin B5? 00:43
• B5 functions. 1:07
• B5 deficiency. 1:45
• B5 RDA 2:37
• 10 High vitamin B5 foods (beef liver, shitake mushrooms, sunflower seeds, chicken, tuna, avocado, milk, eggs, yogurt, broccoli). 3:19
10 High Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Foods
- At November 06, 2021
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Health & Wellness, New Video
- 0
This video shares what is vitamin B3 (niacin), its functions, and 10 high B3 foods.
In this video:
• What is vitamin B3? 00:45
• B3functions. 1:38
• B3 deficiency. 2:01
• B3 RDA 3:37
• 10 High vitamin B3 foods (pork, beef, brown rice, peanuts, potato, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, lentils, banana, broccoli). 4:12
10 High Vitamin B2 ( Riboflavin) Foods
- At November 02, 2021
- By Daniel
- In Books
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This video shares what is vitamin B2 (riboflavin), its functions, and 10 high B2 foods.
In this video:
• What is vitamin B2? 00:46
• B2 functions. 1:03
• B2 deficiency. 1:46
• B2 RDA 2:26
• 10 High vitamin B2 foods (beef liver, yogurt, black beans, beef, clams, mushrooms, almonds, chicken, egg, quinoa). 3:11
Reclining Bound Angle Pose
- At November 02, 2021
- By Daniel
- In Asana, Health & Wellness, Yoga Benefits
- 0
Reclining Bound Angle Pose can be done by itself or combined with Bound Angle and Extended Bound Angle poses. These poses work the same muscles and provide many of the same physical and mental health benefits.
Reclining Bound Angle Pose with props is also a popular relaxation pose that most people can maintain for up to an hour.
If your knees do not touch the floor, rest them on a folded towel or blanket, or on blocks.
English Name: Reclining Bound Angle Pose
Sanskrit Name: Supta Baddha Konasana
Difficulty Level: 3
Start Position: Bound Angle Pose
Step 1.
From Bound Angle Pose, release your hands from your feet and walk your elbows behind you until you are lying on the floor.
Step 2.
Place your hands on your thighs or by your side.
Step 3.
Hold the pose for several breathes, or as long as it feels comfortable.
Step 4.
To get out of the pose, either use your arms to walk your body to a seated position or roll over to one side and use your hands to come to a seated position.
Physical Benefits:
- Stretches leg muscles
- Opens up the chest
- Reduces fatigue
- Relieves headaches
- Improves digestions & circulation
- Maintains urinary tract health
- May prevent varicose veins
Mental Benefits
- Reduces stress
- Increases focus
- Relieves mild anxiety & depression
- Knee, hip, or groin injury
- Arm, elbow, or hand injury
- Low back pain or injury
Supported Reclining Bound Angle Pose
1 strap
1 Bolster
2 Blocks or blankets
1 neck pillow or rolled up towel
1 eye pillow or mask (optional)