Added Sugar Versus Natural Sugar
- At July 30, 2021
- By Daniel
- In Cooking Tips, Health & Wellness, New Video
Sugar is a leading contributor to weight gain and type 2 diabetes. Some low carb diets eliminate many foods providing natural sugars without providing any scientific evidence. Some people believe anyone with type 2 diabetes should not eat sweet fruit. Research shows people eating high plant food diets including sweet fruit are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes.
For many overweight Americans, the problem is not foods providing natural sugars, the problem is diets high in processed foods with added sugars.
In this video:
• What is sugar?
• Added versus natural sugar.
• Dietary sugar and blood sugar.
• Dietary sugar and diabetes.
• Dietary sugar and weight gain.
• Recommended limits for added sugars.
Is A2 Milk More Digestible Than A1 Milk?
- At July 28, 2021
- By Daniel
- In Cooking Tips, Diet, Health & Wellness
Can switching from A1 to A2 cow’s milk prevent gastrointestinal discomfort? Included in this video:
• What is A2 cow’s milk?
• Are your symptoms caused by protein or sugar (carb)?
• A2 milk and lactose intolerance.
• A1 versus A2 milk self-help.
• Nutrition information.
Cooking And Baking By Weight Versus Volume
- At July 26, 2021
- By Daniel
- In Cooking Tips, New Video
American home cooks measure recipe ingredients by volume (cups, spoons) versus weight (ounces, pounds). This is partly due to the U.S. being the only country using imperial units of measure instead of metric. American restaurants and bakers use weight.
Some old home cooked recipes used weight like the pound cake. The recipe called for one pound each of eggs, flour and sugar. Of course, to cook using weights instead of cups requires owning an accurate kitchen scale. Most kitchen scales are now digital instead of analog and can display units in ounces or grams.
For many recipes measuring using cups works fine. But, in some cases, using weights is more accurate and contestant. Measuring a cup of chopped broccoli is not as accurate as weighing 160 grams (5.6 oz) of broccoli. The same with measuring pasta using cups.
This video shares some advantages of measuring ingredients by weight instead of volume (cups) for more consistent results especially making cakes, muffins, pancakes, and biscuits.
Should You Eat A High Or Low Potassium Diet?
- At July 18, 2021
- By Daniel
- In Cooking Tips, Diet, Health & Wellness
Potassium is an essential nutrient. Depending on your source of information, the recommended amount of daily potassium is between 2,500 to 4,700 milligrams. Since potassium deficiency is so rare in the U.S., there is no official recommend dietary allowance (RDA). Many food manufacturers use 4,000 mg a day to calculate the daily value (DV) listed on nutrition facts labels.
RDA’s and DV’s apply to healthy people. People with chronic kidney disease (CKD) must restrict potassium and other minerals because their kidneys cannot remove excess amounts. And in many cases, including potassium, high blood levels can be as dangerous as low levels.
One Interest rumor is that people with CKD must avoid high potassium foods. That is a myth. People with CKD must limit total daily potassium to essential amount. Whether the potassium comes high or low potassium foods is up to each individual.
In this video:
• How much dietary potassium do you need?
• Blood potassium levels.
• Low and high potassium symptoms.
• Who should limit potassium?
• High and low potassium foods and diets.
Related videos:
High Antioxidant foods:
15 Home Cooking Money And Time Saving Tips
- At July 14, 2021
- By Daniel
- In Cooking Tips, Health & Wellness, New Video
This video shares 15 simple tips to save time and money eating healthier home cooked meals with less calories, sodium, and chemical additives compared to prepared and restaurant foods.
Unlike home cooked foods, prepared and restaurant foods can have artificial colors and flavors, preservatives, and chemical flavor enhancers. This allows food makers to use less expensive, lower quality ingredients.
Half Boat Pose
- At July 06, 2021
- By Daniel
- In Asana, Health & Wellness, Yoga Benefits
Half Boat Pose is a sitting balance pose that is slightly less difficult than Full Boat. While it may look simple, it can be challenging especially if your mind tends to wander. Staying focus is key to doing the pose. Doing yoga balance poses can help you yo maintain your balance throughout life to prevent falls and serious injury. Half Boat Pose also builds core, arm, and leg strength.
English Name: Half Boat Pose
Sanskrit Name: Ardha Navasana
Difficulty Level: 4
Start Position: Staff
Step 1.
From Staff pose, bend both knees and lean back until you can balance on your sit bones.
Step 2.
Lift you feet until your skins are parallel to the floor.
Step 3.
Extend both arms keeping them as parallel to the floor as possible.
Step 4.
Hold the pose for 4 or 5 breathes, or as long as it feels comfortable.
Step 5.
Vinyasa into Full Boat or slowly lower your legs to the floor returning to staff pose. Repeat if desired.
Physical Benefits:
- Lengthens neck, spine, arms and legs
- Strengthens core muscles
- Opens up the chest, shoulders, and throat
- Improves balance
- Improves digestion and circulation
- Improves posture
- Strengthens legs, hips, groin, arms and abdomen
Mental Benefits
- Improves focus
- Calms the mind
- Improves concentration
- Pregnancy
- Low blood pressure
- Neck, low back, shoulder and hip pain
- Leg and ankle pain or injury
Over 30 High Antioxident Foods
- At July 04, 2021
- By Daniel
- In Health & Wellness, New Video
Your metabolism produces free radicals. Excess free radicals can cause chronic inflammation and cell damage. Antioxidants, like vitamin E, reduce free radicals. Some foods are high antioxidant, low inflammation foods. This video highlights over 30 foods high in free radical fighting antioxidants.
In this video:
• Free radicals and antioxidants.
• Antioxidants diets.
• Sample high antioxidant foods.