The USA Wealthcare System-Medical Care Part II
- At September 28, 2022
- By Daniel
- In Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
The U.S. healthcare system has evolved from doctors in private practice to corporate medicine that still does not practice preventative medicine. Sick people equals profits as well as replacing high salary doctors with lower salary nurse practitioners (NP) and physicians assistants (PA).
In this video:
• Fee for service to “practice medicine. 00:49
• The high cost of conservative healthcare. 3:46
• “The NP or PA will see you now. 4:39
• U.S. wealthcare versus universal healthcare. 7:18
The USA Wealthcare System-Medical Care Part I
- At September 20, 2022
- By Daniel
- In Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
The USA has the worlds most expensive healthcare system providing below average healthcare contributing to declining life expectancy.
With $4 trillion in healthcare spending each year, the U.S. is the only major industrial country without universal healthcare from cradle to grave.
In this video:
• The most expensive healthcare money can buy. 1:12
• Wealthcare accomplishments. 3:32
• HMO’s manage corporate profits not healthcare
costs. 4:59
• The not so free market healthcare system.7:00
Civics 101: The U.S. Constitution
- At September 16, 2022
- By Daniel
- In Education, New Video
The U.S. Constitution replaced the Articles Of Confederation to create a more perfect union. That union is in jeopardy from special interests and extremists looking out for their interests not the interests of the nation. Although the Constitution is a short, relatively easy to read document, most Americans have no idea of its contents and the authors intent.
In this video:
• A brief history of the U.S. Constitution. 00:38
• Article I – Congress 2:41
• Article II – The President 5:30
• Article III – The Judiciary 6:22
• The Bill Of Rights 8:06
• Cafeteria constitutional government. 10:42
Marketing Tricks: Dietary Supplement – Help or Hype
- At September 12, 2022
- By Daniel
- In Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
With the exception of vitamin and mineral supplements, most heavily marketed dietary supplements have no proven health benefits beyond the placebo effect.
In this video.
• What are dietary supplements? 00:43
• An unregulated U.S. industry. 1:43
• Support versus prevention or cure. 2:22
• Using meaningless terms and labels. 3:58
• Diet and lifestyle versus dietary supplements. 7:48
Related Video
Side Cock Pose
- At September 06, 2022
- By Daniel
- In Asana, Education, Health & Wellness
Side Cock pose is a more advanced balance pose than Cock pose. Like Cock Pose, Side Cock is a hand balance pose. In requires concentration (focus) and good upper body arm strength. The hands and arms are used to lift one off the floor. Unlike Cock Pose, your center of gravity is shifted to one side increasing the difficulty obtaining and maintaining your balance.
Like Cock Pose, if you are unable to get into Lotus pose or hold Lotus pose more than a few seconds, Side Cock pose may be too challenging. Side Cock pose provides the mental and physical benefits of Cock pose.
English Name: Side Cock
Sanskrit Name: Parsva Kukkutasana
Difficulty Level: 9
Start Position: Seated Lotus
Step 1.
From Lotus pose, twist your body to your right side and place both hands on the floor.
Step 2.
Transfer your weight to your hands and lift your legs hooking your left thigh onto your right tricep (area above elbow).
Step 3.
Lean your body forward and straightening lower arms balancing on your hands.
Step 4.
Hold the pose for 4 or 5 breathes, or as long as it feels comfortable. Unhook your legs and return to seated Lotus. Repeat twisting to your left side if desired.
Physical Benefits:
- Stretches the spine
- Strengthens arms and wrists
- Improves balance and upper body strength
- Increases hip and knee flexibility
- Opens up the hips
- Tones abdominal muscles
- Improves digestion
Mental Benefits
- Improves mental acuity
- Reduces stress
- Wrist, arm, or shoulder injury
- Low back injury
- Ankle, hip or knee injury
- Leg, arm, or back injury
Real Leather Versus Bonded and Faux Leather
- At September 06, 2022
- By Daniel
- In Education, New Video
Leather is processed animal hides and has been used for centuries. The cost of high quality leather products is high. Manmade leathers reduce product costs, but also reduce a products useful like. Leather shoes that use to last years or decades now last a year or less. This video shares the differences between real, bonded, and faux leathers.
In this video:
• What is real leather? 00:36
• What is bonded leather? 1:50
• What is faux leather? 2:12
• Real, bonded, and faux leather durability. 3:14
• Patent leather. 3:57
The Placebo Effect
- At September 02, 2022
- By Daniel
- In Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
In clinical trails a placebo, it can be a sugar pill, is used as a control to evaluate the positive and negative effects of a new drug, diet, or treatment. The placebo effect can affect both mental and physical health. In many cases the positive health benefits dietary supplement makers claim are due largely to the placebo effect.
In this video:
• What is a placebo? 00:43
• What is the placebo effect? 1:10
• Is the placebo effect real or imaginary? 1:48
• The placebo effect and diet. 3:57
• The nocebo effect. 6:41