The USA Wealthcare System Part IV Dental, Vision & Hearing Care
- At October 30, 2022
- By Daniel
- In Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
Most health insurance plans do not cover routine dental, vision, and hearing care. Millions of Americans cannot afford insurance for routine dental, eye, and hearing care or the cost of care without insurance. This can reduce their quality of life and increase healthcare costs years later.
In this video:
• Routine dental care. 00:42
• Routine vision care. 4:51
• Routine hearing care. 7:04
USA Wealthcare System Part III: Prescription Drugs
- At October 27, 2022
- By Daniel
- In Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
American’s pay the highest prices in the world for prescription medications. Politicians campaign to lower drug prices and then accept billions of dollars in campaign contributions from the drug industry. The drug industry spent $100 million to defect legislation giving Medicare the right to negotiate lower drug prices. Although the legislation passed, the drug industry is waiting for Republican control of Congress to repeal the legislation.
Millions of Americans ration or do not fill their prescriptions because they cannot afford them. That can result in higher medical costs due to complications from controllable chronic diseases.
The U.S.’s high prescription drug costs is all about profits than actual drug costs.
In this video:
• The highest priced drugs money can buy. 00:54
• Big Pharma wrote the Medicare Part D laws. 2:55
• Putting wealth and profit before people. 4:17
• The doctor prescription drug monopoly. 6:40
• Prescription drug prices. 8:33
• Insurance company formularies. 10:00
• Generic versus patented drugs. 11:12
• The risk of online pharmacies. 12:09
Clinically Proven Dietary Supplement Facts & Myths
- At October 25, 2022
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
When it comes to dietary supplement, clinically proven has little or no meaning since supplement makers are not required by law to prove efficacy before they can sell their products. With the exception of vitamin and mineral supplements, a supplement’s mental and physical benefits are largely due to the placebo effect.
In this video:
• Why food should be your medicine. 00:32
• What are dietary supplements? 1:43
• The unregulated dietary supplement industry. 2:55
• Company funded versus independent research. 3:49
• Clinically proven and peer reviewed! 4:54
• Marketing supplements most people do not need. 6:23
• Common dietary supplement myths. 8:01
Upward Cock Pose
- At October 04, 2022
- By Daniel
- In Asana, Education, Health & Wellness
Although Upward Cock pose has the same difficulty level as Side Cock, you may find it easier to get into and maintain Upward Cock.
Like Cock and Side Cock poses, if you are unable to get into Lotus pose or hold Lotus pose more than a few seconds, Upward Cock pose may be too challenging for you.
Upward Cock pose provides the mental and physical benefits of Cock and Side Cock poses.
English Name: Upward Cock
Sanskrit Name: Urdhva Kukkutasana
Difficulty Level: 9
Start Position: Seated Lotus
Step 1.
From Lotus pose, bring your knees towards your chest and place both hands on the floor in front of you.
Step 2.
Bend your arms and place your skins into your triceps (upper arm muscles).
Step 3.
Lean your body forward and straighten your arms balancing on your hands.
Step 4.
Hold the pose for 4 or 5 breathes, or as long as it feels comfortable. Slowly lower your legs to the floor and return to seated Lotus. Repeat if desired.
Physical Benefits:
- Stretches the spine
- Strengthens arms and wrists
- Improves balance and upper body strength
- Increases hip and knee flexibility
- Opens up the hips
- Tones abdominal muscles
- Improves digestion
Mental Benefits
- Improves mental acuity
- Reduces stress
- Wrist, arm, or shoulder injury
- Low back injury
- Ankle, hip or knee injury
- Leg, arm, or back injury