Hatha Yoga Asanas

Hatha Yoga Asanas Cover ArtSize: 6 x 9 inches

Pages: 180

List Price: $15.95 USD

Format: Paperback, ebook

ISBN-13: 978-1-4504-1485-2

Hatha Yoga Asanas, co-authored by Daniel DiTuro and Ingrid Yang with photography by Daniel DiTuro, features over 150 asanas in alphabetical order by English name with full color photographs of each pose, sanskrit names, and simple to follow instructions.

Hatha Yoga Asanas is for everyone practicing yoga, considering becoming a yoga instructor, and for yogis in teacher training. Learn the poses, English names, and sanskrit names.

Poses range from easy to advanced. For more information about this book, visit the HYA website.


Hatha Yoga Asanas is available from all book sellers in paperback and ebook editions.

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