Slow Versus Fast Weight Loss
- At January 28, 2023
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
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A leading cause of yo-yo dieting are low calorie diet plans promoting fast weight loss. Most are nutrient deficient and lead to a slower metabolism making it easier to gain weight. People who lose excess fat slowly are more likely to achieve permanent weight loss while improving health.
In this video:
• Slow, permanent weight loss. 00:41
• Are your weight loss goals realistic? 2:38
• Calculate your body mass index (BMI). 4:08
• Estimate your current calorie needs. 4:40
• Estimate your ideal weight calorie needs. 6:23
• Develop a sustainable diet plan. 6:48
20 Low Iron Foods
- At January 24, 2023
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
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Iron is an essential nutrient. Too little dietary iron can cause iron deficiency anemia. Some people have an inherited condition (hemochromatosis) that can cause dangerously high blood iron levels. This video highlights 20 foods with 1.2 mg or less of iron per serving. Most are plant foods providing nonheme iron that is not absorbed as efficiently as animal food heme iron.
In this video:
• What is iron?
• USRDA for iron.
• Why eat a low iron diet?
• 20 low iron foods.
Rich Americans, Poor Americans
- At January 20, 2023
- By Daniel
- In Education, New Video
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The USA is one of the wealthiest countries in the world that also has one of the highest poverty rates among wealthy countries. For decades the wealth gap has been increasing as millions of Americans are encourage to live beyond their means using credit and spend rather than save.
In this video:
• The land of opportunity? 00:35
• Are you a rich or poor American? 2:44
• Poverty in America. 6:38
• Definition of poverty. 8:27
• Save or spend? 11:11
The High Cost Of Low Quality
- At January 18, 2023
- By Daniel
- In Education, New Video
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Everyone likes saving money. Buying low cost products is like the saying, “You get what you pay for.”
Reviews on Amazon and other online retailers confirm that low cost usually equals quality like it rusted after one washing. Suddenly, a bargain is no longer a bargain.
In this video:
• The high cost of low quality. 00:38
• Poorly made in America. 1:27
• Price before quality. 3:06
• Made in American from foreign materials. 3:47
• Marketing hype not help. 4:33
Marketing Tricks: Invest In Gold to Beat Inflation
- At January 16, 2023
- By Daniel
- In Education, New Video
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A 2022 magazine ad stated investing $150,000 in gold in 2000 would have over $1 million dollars in 2022. That information is correct. What ads for gold do not reveal, is that gold was at an historic low in 2000, that people who bought gold at its high in 2011 have lost money, and that the same $150,000 investment in stocks would have been worth millions more.
One certainty about investing in gold is that the sellers always make a profit.
This video looks at some of the myths about investing in gold and other commodities.
In this video:
• Why invest in gold? 00:41
• Gold versus real estate and stocks. 1:40
• Gold and capital gains tax. 3:55
• Cost of owning gold. 4:59
• Is gold a good investment for you? 8:01
Healthy Brain Diets &Foods
- At January 12, 2023
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
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Many factors affect brain health. One you can control is your diet. Poor diets negatively affect your brain and overall health. Healthy, sustainable diets positively affects your brain and overall health. Your diet and increase or decrease your risk of dementia.
In this video:
• A healthy brain versus dementia. 00:39
• Unproven social media solutions. 1:29
• Diet versus supplements. 2:14
• Healthy brain diets. 3:12
• Healthy brain foods. 4:31
2023 Diet Tips: Small Changes-Huge Health Benefits
- At January 08, 2023
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
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Every year millions of people resolve to change their diet and lose excess weight. Every year, more and more people are classified as overweight or obese.
Fad diets usually require radical changes for weight loss and better heat. But, small, sustainable, affordable dietary changes can produce permanent weigh loss and reduce your risk for many serious chronic diseases. Most people gain weight due to a poor diet of processed foods providing too many empty calories.
In this video:
• Why are you changing your diet? 00:39
• Think diet not dieting. 3:01
• Obtaining essential nutrients from foods. 4:36
• Small changes to achieve a healthy weight. 8:04
The High Cost Of Deregulation
- At January 02, 2023
- By Daniel
- In Education, New Video
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Government regulations should protect quality of life and save consumers money. The goal of most conservative politicians is self-regulated businesses. They claim regulation saves consumers money. In most cases deregulation has the opposite effect. Businesses save money at the consumers expense.
In this video:
• What are regulations? 00:39
• Why have rules and regulations? 1:43
• The high cost of deregulation. 3:31
• Deregulation benefits businesses not consumers. 9:50