Benefits & Risks Of UV-C Germ Killing Lights
- At June 22, 2021
- By Daniel
- In Health & Wellness
Consumer UV-C (ultraviolet-C) lights are promoted as a fast, safe and effective way to kill harmful bacteria and viruses. Many can do more harm to people and animals than to bacteria and germs. No consumer UV-C lights are certified safe by any U.S. testing facility like UL.
This video shares why consumer UV-C lights may provide a false sense of security while posing a serious safety hazard to the user.
In this video:
• What is UV-C? 00:50
• How does UV light disinfect? 2:02
• Consumer versus commercial UV-C lights. 2:58
• Blue light versus ultraviolet. 4:45
• UV-C, disinfectants and superbugs. 5:03
• UV-C light risks. 6:32
• Should you buy or avoid UV-C lights? 7:33