Marketing Tricks: Doctor Developed Supplements
- At January 26, 2025
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
In the U.S., dietary supplements is a $70 billion a year business. With thousands of varieties it can be confusing knowing which are beneficial and which are worthless or simply have a placebo effect. A growing trend is doctor developed dietary supplements. While ads state they are clinically tested, or use clinically tested ingredients, and proven to work, most supplements provide little or no health benefits. Unless verified by a third party, doctor developed supplements can be lower quality and cost more than verified supplements. After all, the cost of advertising their supplements is included in the price.
In This Video:
• Practicing supplemental nutrition. 00:53
• Supplements for your health or your money? 1:51
• Clinically tested on people, animals, or test tubes? 3:22
• Unverified potency and efficacy. 5:18
• Number 1 compared to what? 5:52
• Unproven Supplements For Chronic Conditions. 6:23
USA Wealthcare System Part V: Health Insurance
- At November 04, 2022
- By Daniel
- In Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
For as little as a $500 out of pocket deductible, auto and homeowner’s insurance can pay hundred’s of thousands of dollars in damages. U.S. health insurance, even company provided plans, costing thousands of dollars can leave policy holders owing huge medical bills and face debt collection and bankruptcy. Insurance companies have no incentive to reduce the cost of healthcare and save policy holders money. In some cases, the a procedure can cost less paying in cash compared to the insurance companies “negotiated rates.”
In This video:
• Why have medical insurance? 00:48
• The medical insurance savings myth. 2:10
• Surprise billing. 4:16
• The medical insurance maze. 5:14
• The appeals and grievance blackhole. 7:09
• Prescription drug insurance. 8:18
The USA Wealthcare System Part IV Dental, Vision & Hearing Care
- At October 30, 2022
- By Daniel
- In Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
Most health insurance plans do not cover routine dental, vision, and hearing care. Millions of Americans cannot afford insurance for routine dental, eye, and hearing care or the cost of care without insurance. This can reduce their quality of life and increase healthcare costs years later.
In this video:
• Routine dental care. 00:42
• Routine vision care. 4:51
• Routine hearing care. 7:04
USA Wealthcare System Part III: Prescription Drugs
- At October 27, 2022
- By Daniel
- In Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
American’s pay the highest prices in the world for prescription medications. Politicians campaign to lower drug prices and then accept billions of dollars in campaign contributions from the drug industry. The drug industry spent $100 million to defect legislation giving Medicare the right to negotiate lower drug prices. Although the legislation passed, the drug industry is waiting for Republican control of Congress to repeal the legislation.
Millions of Americans ration or do not fill their prescriptions because they cannot afford them. That can result in higher medical costs due to complications from controllable chronic diseases.
The U.S.’s high prescription drug costs is all about profits than actual drug costs.
In this video:
• The highest priced drugs money can buy. 00:54
• Big Pharma wrote the Medicare Part D laws. 2:55
• Putting wealth and profit before people. 4:17
• The doctor prescription drug monopoly. 6:40
• Prescription drug prices. 8:33
• Insurance company formularies. 10:00
• Generic versus patented drugs. 11:12
• The risk of online pharmacies. 12:09
The USA Wealthcare System-Medical Care Part II
- At September 28, 2022
- By Daniel
- In Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
The U.S. healthcare system has evolved from doctors in private practice to corporate medicine that still does not practice preventative medicine. Sick people equals profits as well as replacing high salary doctors with lower salary nurse practitioners (NP) and physicians assistants (PA).
In this video:
• Fee for service to “practice medicine. 00:49
• The high cost of conservative healthcare. 3:46
• “The NP or PA will see you now. 4:39
• U.S. wealthcare versus universal healthcare. 7:18
The USA Wealthcare System-Medical Care Part I
- At September 20, 2022
- By Daniel
- In Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
The USA has the worlds most expensive healthcare system providing below average healthcare contributing to declining life expectancy.
With $4 trillion in healthcare spending each year, the U.S. is the only major industrial country without universal healthcare from cradle to grave.
In this video:
• The most expensive healthcare money can buy. 1:12
• Wealthcare accomplishments. 3:32
• HMO’s manage corporate profits not healthcare
costs. 4:59
• The not so free market healthcare system.7:00