DIY Table Top Photography Light Tent
- At May 16, 2024
- By Daniel
- In Education, New Video
Instructions and materials for making a simple photography light tent that reduce reflections, hotspots, and specular highlights for more even lighting and increase product detail. It is transportable. Set-up and tear down takes less than 10 minutes.
In this video:
• What is a light tent? 00:35
• Materials. 1:20
• Assembly. 2:13
• Options. 4:22
LED Lighting Facts & Myths
- At March 16, 2023
- By Daniel
- In Education, Stock Photos
While LED lights use significantly less energy than incandescent and CFL lighting they are not ideal for all uses. This video highlights some of the advantages and disadvantages about consumer LED lighting.
In this video:
• What is a LED? 00:44
• Incandescent, CFL, LED lighting. 1:24
• What are COB LED lights? 2:37
• Quality and longevity. 4:03
• Don’t pay for more lumens than you need. 5:39
• LED lighting facts and myths. 7:11
Benefits & Risks Of UV-C Germ Killing Lights
- At June 22, 2021
- By Daniel
- In Health & Wellness
Consumer UV-C (ultraviolet-C) lights are promoted as a fast, safe and effective way to kill harmful bacteria and viruses. Many can do more harm to people and animals than to bacteria and germs. No consumer UV-C lights are certified safe by any U.S. testing facility like UL.
This video shares why consumer UV-C lights may provide a false sense of security while posing a serious safety hazard to the user.
In this video:
• What is UV-C? 00:50
• How does UV light disinfect? 2:02
• Consumer versus commercial UV-C lights. 2:58
• Blue light versus ultraviolet. 4:45
• UV-C, disinfectants and superbugs. 5:03
• UV-C light risks. 6:32
• Should you buy or avoid UV-C lights? 7:33