USA Wealthcare System Part III: Prescription Drugs
- At October 27, 2022
- By Daniel
- In Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
American’s pay the highest prices in the world for prescription medications. Politicians campaign to lower drug prices and then accept billions of dollars in campaign contributions from the drug industry. The drug industry spent $100 million to defect legislation giving Medicare the right to negotiate lower drug prices. Although the legislation passed, the drug industry is waiting for Republican control of Congress to repeal the legislation.
Millions of Americans ration or do not fill their prescriptions because they cannot afford them. That can result in higher medical costs due to complications from controllable chronic diseases.
The U.S.’s high prescription drug costs is all about profits than actual drug costs.
In this video:
• The highest priced drugs money can buy. 00:54
• Big Pharma wrote the Medicare Part D laws. 2:55
• Putting wealth and profit before people. 4:17
• The doctor prescription drug monopoly. 6:40
• Prescription drug prices. 8:33
• Insurance company formularies. 10:00
• Generic versus patented drugs. 11:12
• The risk of online pharmacies. 12:09