MCT Oil Facts & Myths
- At September 18, 2020
- By Daniel
- In Health & Wellness, New Video
According to promoters of MCT (medium chain triglyceride) oil, it is the healthiest naturally occurring fat for the human diet.
MCT oil is usually produced from coconut oil. Until recently, only a sample percentage of the human population used coconut or MCT oil.
Like coconut oil, MCT oil is high in saturated fat. All oils have some saturated fat, but MCT oil is 100% saturated fat.
Current dietary guidelines recommend limiting saturated fat to less than 10% of total calories or less than 200 calories for a 2,000 calorie diet. That is less than 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of MCT oil.
MCT oil is popular with low carb diets that are usually high in meat. Meat is high is fat and saturated fat. That further limits the amount of MCT oil if you believe accepted science.
MCT oil promotors claim the accepted science is all wrong and diets high in saturated fat are safe and healthy. The real proof is in your overall health.
This video shares facts and myths about MCT oil.