Standing Wide Leg Forward Bend II (Prasarita Padottanasana II)
- At March 14, 2020
- By Daniel
- In Asana, Yoga Benefits
All Standing Forward Bends improves and maintains leg and back flexibility. For some people, wide leg forward bends put less stress on their backs and legs than straight leg forward bends. All forward bends provide the same physical and mental health benefits.
Use caution if you have glaucoma or a family history of high blood pressure. A research study found yoga poses where the head is lower than the heart may increase eye pressure. One way to reduce the risk is by limiting your time in these poses.
English Name: Standing Wide Leg Forward Bend II
Sanskrit Name: Prasarita Padottanasana II
Difficulty Level: 4
Start Position: Mountain
Step 1.
Step or jump your feet about 3 feet apart or a comfortable distance keeping your feet parallel to each other.
Step 2.
Bend (fold) forward from your hips maintaining a straight back and tilting your sit bones upward.
Step 3.
Curl the first two fingers on each hand around your big toes. If possible, rest the crown of your head on the floor.
Step 4.
Remain in the pose as long as it feels comfortable. Return to Mountain pose.
Physical Benefits:
- Improves and maintains ankle, knee, thigh and low back strength
- Tones abdomen
- Stretches wrists, arms, hamstrings, calves
- Reduces minor back pain or discomfort
- Lowers blood pressure
- Reduce headache pain
- Open sinuses
- Improves digestions
Mental Benefits
- Reduces stress
- Improves thinking
- Increases focus
- Relieves mild anxiety & depression
- Low back or wrist injury
- High Blood Pressure
- Glaucoma