Do Your Meals Provide 30 Grams Of Protein?
Many healthy people eat diets providing more protein than they need. The supplement industry wants you to believe otherwise.
Some guidelines recommend getting 30 or more grams per meal (90 g per day).
Take this videos quiz to check if know what meals provide less, more, or equal 30 grams of protein.
In this video:
• How much is 30 grams of protein? 00:40
• Protein and amino acids. 1:24
• Animal versus plant protein. 2:10
• 30 grams of protein meal quiz. 3:37
Carbs Versus Calories
- At February 12, 2024
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
Low carb diets have guaranteed weight loss and disease prevention for more than 60 years. Instead of low carb they should be called low refined carb diets.
Replacing carbs with fat and protein may not be enough to cause weight loss and prevent or cure chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Billions of people around the world eat high plant food diets and live long, healthy lives.
In this video:
• Sources of food calories (energy). 00:39
• What are carbs? 00:56
• Processed versus natural carb calories. 2:03
• Carbs and diabetes. 2:48
• Carbs and weight gain. 4:27
Fad Diet Pseudoscience
- At January 28, 2024
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
The “science”” many fad diets use to support their claimed health benefits is actually based on pseudoscience, like animal studies, not on rigorous clinically trials.
In this video:
• Marketing pseudoscience. 00:42
• Nutrition science is not exact. 2:43
• Why nutrition science is not exact. 4:30
• Nutrition science and clinical trials. 6:14
Cutting Calories Not Foods
- At January 22, 2024
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
Most overweight, but healthy people without food allergies or irritable bowel and other gastrointestinal medical problems do not have to cut foods or food groups to lose excess weight. In most cases, the problem is not the food, but too many calories from highly process foods.
A person can cut hundreds of calories from your diet by replacing highly processed (prepared) foods with minimally processed foods.
In this video:
• Is your weight gain due to your diet? 00:31
• Eliminating foods is easy. 1:18
• Cutting calories not foods. 3:33
• Calorie cutting tips. 4:52
Clinically Proven Fad Diet Myths
- At November 20, 2023
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
Why diet plans claiming to be clinically proven to reduce weight, improve health, slow aging, and eliminate chronic diseases usually do not deliver what they claim. And, diet plans with proven health benefits.
In this video:
• Types of clinical trials. 00:35
• Corporate funded clinical trials. 3:55
• Diets with proven health benefits. 5:41
Milled Flax Seeds Vs. Wheat Flour
- At August 08, 2023
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
Nutritional comparison of milled flaxseeds (meal, flour) and wheat flours.
In this video:
• What are flaxseeds? 00:41
• Ground versus whole flaxseeds. 00:59
• Milled flax versus flax flour. 1:21
• Flax and ALA omega-3. 2:14
• Flaxseed versus wheat flour. 3:40
• Flax and flour nutrition. 5:18
• Flaxseed and flour protein. 6:14
Ketosis Facts & Myths
- At July 26, 2023
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
Keto diets are very low carb diets. Its goal is replacing glucose with ketones for fuel. Many keto diets are low carb diets that can cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies and have negative long-term health benefits. Many keto recipes provide more calories than a balanced diet of animal and plant foods. Fats make up 60% to 80% of a recipes calories, and fat has more than twice the calories (9 per gram) of carbohydrates and protein.
In this video:
• What is ketosis? 00:52
• What are keto diets? 2:11
• Keto diet and calorie counting. 4:46
• Ketosis without keto diets. 6:59
• Reduce calories, reduce carbs, or both? 8:25
• Keto diets and essential nutrients. 9:35
• Ketosis and protein. 11:02
• Ketosis essential vitamins and minerals. 12:15
Creating A Sustainable Diet
- At February 10, 2023
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
Many people yo-yo diet starting a new weight loss diet, lose weight, stop the diet, and regain the weight they lost. And, many times a few extra pounds. One reason is unsustainable diets. While some claim to be sustainable, they either require high price ingredients like 100% organic, or restrict eating so many foods that dieters soon tire of the plan.
This video shares how to create a sustainable diet that meets your needs rather than a one-size-fits-all diet.
Sustainable diets not only you lose weight, it helps you n=maintain a healthy weight.
In this video:
• Excess body fat versus weight gain. 00:49
• Sustainable versus unsustainable diets. 1:38
• Ignore fast weight loss claims and testimonials. 3:50
• Excess weight loss math. 5:31
• Estimating your calorie needs. 7:57
• Foods you should cut or eliminate. 9:32
• Organic versus nonorganic foods. 13:20
Slow Versus Fast Weight Loss
- At January 28, 2023
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
A leading cause of yo-yo dieting are low calorie diet plans promoting fast weight loss. Most are nutrient deficient and lead to a slower metabolism making it easier to gain weight. People who lose excess fat slowly are more likely to achieve permanent weight loss while improving health.
In this video:
• Slow, permanent weight loss. 00:41
• Are your weight loss goals realistic? 2:38
• Calculate your body mass index (BMI). 4:08
• Estimate your current calorie needs. 4:40
• Estimate your ideal weight calorie needs. 6:23
• Develop a sustainable diet plan. 6:48
Healthy Brain Diets &Foods
- At January 12, 2023
- By Daniel
- In Diet, Education, Health & Wellness, New Video
Many factors affect brain health. One you can control is your diet. Poor diets negatively affect your brain and overall health. Healthy, sustainable diets positively affects your brain and overall health. Your diet and increase or decrease your risk of dementia.
In this video:
• A healthy brain versus dementia. 00:39
• Unproven social media solutions. 1:29
• Diet versus supplements. 2:14
• Healthy brain diets. 3:12
• Healthy brain foods. 4:31